Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bad associations...

Conversation with Grama on Sunday. (She is very sweet, and will be 95 in July)

My brother called to remind me that Grama's 2nd son was celebrating his birthday this weekend. I told her we could call him after dinner.


Me: Let's finish this up and then we'll call Uncle Al.

Grama: Ok, and you just let me know how much that call is (long distance), and make sure I pay you back.

Me: Don't worry about it Grama, I have unlimited long distance so I can call my friends in Colorado, Missouri, and Alaska. You could talk to him for 24 hours and it wouldn't cost me anymore.

Grama: Well, if you're sure about that. I should get that on my new phone line when I move (in 2 weeks). I don't know who I have now.... is it VIAGRA?

Me: No, Grama, I think you have Verizon!!

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