Friday, April 18, 2008

Pool.... water...?

So, tis the season. We went swimming last weekend. It was a wee bit chilly, but if you just take the plunge, the numbness starts right away. Give it a good 3-5 minutes and you can't feel your feet anyway. THIS weekend, however, not only will it be cooler, but the pool will be empty.

We take our water samples to the pool store, they run the tests and tell us how much of what chemical to add, and we do it. My "pool boy", as hubby refers to him, told us that the calcium is getting to high, and we will soon have to drain the pool. I knew from the previous week from a visit with another pool boy, (ssshh... don't tell my guy), that the levels were high. He was telling me that we could go all season and change at the end. My regular pool boy was saying that we could do that, but the levels will get worse over the season, and will make it really hard to keep my chemicals in check by the end of the season. I am opting to change sooner rather than later, so that we don't have a week without the pool in the blazing hot August.

So, we got the pump out, and have it running. (Note to self: remember to shut off the auto-filler on the pool so that you aren't filling it just as fast as you are emptying it).

What you see from the front yard is a water hose, seemingly left on full blast, over our driveway. Yesterday Jonathan decided to create a dam out of little rocks, and soon enough we are playing in the water on the driveway.

They all had a blast, and got a wee bit wet, as witnessed below. I should be done with the emptying today, and it is AMAZING how much faster it fills than empties (one autofill, 2 hoses, 25,000 gallons of water). Seriously, I don't want to leave the house when I have it filling just so it doesn't overflow.

Reviewing the past

I was cleaning off the bookcase the other day, and getting rid of books we don't, or aren't going to read. Came across The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy, Daily Diary. I flip it open, and can see where I have written dates from my pregnancy with Jonathan.

During the first trimester, 236 days to go, my entry reads:

"Had a late night with class. Brought home 2 home pregnancy tests. The first was a disaster. The second was better, thanks in part to a shot glass. POSITIVE! Ran to the store for another test. POSITIVE!" The next day refers to the trip to the hospital on base for a blood test, and reading the following day. "PREGNANT! Joe called about 20 minutes after I found out, he was so excited."

I would never have remembered the part with the shot glass (!!), I guess diaries are good for some things. Maybe some things are better forgotten, though?

While I won't be keeping the book, it is fun to review those entries. I won't be keeping it simply because those are the ONLY entries I ever put in there! The girls? They didn't even get a book....

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spellcheck, please

Conversation with the boy today:
J: Mom, where is the Middle East?
M: Well, it is overseas, by Africa, on the Persian Gulf. It is made up of Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Kuwait, those countries...
J: Well, why does Iraq not have a "U" on the end of it?
M: I guess that maybe in their language they don't need to put Q's and U's together.
J: I bet they speak the same language as us, they just don't know how to spell.
M: I bet you are right, Honey.